Announcing The Boys Senior Day Feb. 13 at 4:15 at Town and Country Gym.
Girls Senior Day Feb. 20 - watch for time - at Town and Country Gym.
Come join us at Town and Country Feb. 13 for great concessions goodies.
The Feb. 13th games will be as follows.
Please tell everyone that you know about the changes.
1:00 JHG -- no change
2:00 JHB1 Changed from 2:30
3:00 JVB - changed from 3:45
4:15-4:30 Senior recognition - changed from 4:45-- please inform your family members of the changes.
4:30 VB -changed from 5:00
6:30 alumni Girls game- no change
7:30 alumni Boys game- no change
Please get the word out.