NOAH will be sending several teams to Springfield, next week. The tournament will involve over 100 games and dozens of venues, spread throughout the Springfield area.
To stay connected, We are offering a twitter network for athletes, family, and all our fans; to keep up with all our events. Twitter works with your mobile phone, to keep you informed of the latest news and scores.
If you have access to a cellphone with a text messaging plan, please consider setting up a Twitter acct. this week, so that next week you can get reports from others who are spread out at the other venues and you post up-to-the-minute news.
1. Just sign up for a free account
2. add NOAHscoreboard to your "follow" group.
3. Post a tweet, letting us know you're following the NOAH scores, and which teams you're watching.
NOAHscoreboard will begin following your posts and you'll be a part of the Springfield corespondents team. Your score updates will be helpful to hundreds of fans who can't make it to the game and are following the team at home.
Twitter makes apps for smartphones, too. |
Twitter will let you set up your mobile phone for sending updates from the bleachers. Quarterly updates are very helpful to your friends who are at the other games.
Twitter will let you set up your mobile phone for sending updates from the bleachers. Quarterly updates are very helpful to your friends who are at the other games.
After the game, you can use twitter to find out how the other games are going and where to meet your friends for lunch.
Your twitter acct. will enable you to get more out of the week by saving time and fuel, instead of traveling around the city for news. Coaches can post news on-the-fly, for families and athletes.
None of this is required, however; and coaches will also utilize other tools to keep the team informed. This is just an option that NOAH Communications is making available.
Fans at Home
You can follow all the updates at
~David Van Risseghem
NOAH Communications
~David Van Risseghem
NOAH Communications